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Click on the link below to launch a PowerPoint slide presentation with explanatory notes. The presentation will open in your browser in a separate window. Three panes are visible in the browser window: the vertical outline pane occupies the entire left side of the page, the slide pane is in the upper right corner and the notes pane is in the bottom right corner. The slide and the notes panes are separated by a bar. You can hover your mouse pointer over the bar until it changes to a double-ended arrow. Then, left click and drag the bar between the slide pane and the notes pane upward or downward to allow easier reading of the accompanying notes while you view the slide. Using this technique you can resize any window of the presentation to suit your needs. You can switch to the full screen mode using the view menu in your browser for a larger view. The outline pane allows you to jump around in the presentation by clicking on the desired page.

There are controls along the bottom edge of the browser window. Click on the "Outline" or "Notes" boxes to toggle those panes on and off. You may advance the presentation slide by slide by using the left and right arrows along the bottom of the window beneath the notes pane. If you click on the "Slide Show" box, you will see a full screen view of the slides only without the outline or notes panes being visible.

The presentation has large file sizes so the loading may be slow depending upon the speed of your connection. We are working on this problem.
**Click Here for Body Contouring After Weight Loss Presentation**
>>Click Here for Details About Upcoming Seminars<<
>>Bariatric Surgery and Plastic Surgery Information<<
5409 Maryland Way, Suite 115, Gateway Building, Brentwood, Tennessee, 37027, US
Phone:  615-377-7702
Fax:  615-377-7741

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Copyright 2000-2007 Philip E Fleming MD FACS
All rights reserved.
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All procedures depicted on this web site were perfomed by Philip E Fleming MD FACS